There are 449 birds in Greece, distributed unevenly over the surface area of about 130,000 km2 and across the additional 400,000 km2 of its coastal waters, dotted with 1400 islands. Add the 15,000 km of a coastline and the mountains, the highest reaching almost 3000 metres, and the question where
When to Watch Birds in Greece Asked to write a short blog on when and where and why to watch birds in Greece, I was puzzled. Googling for other recommendations, I hardly found any. Where to start? Greece has 449 bird species recorded. A glimpse of a map shows close
Instead of waiting for the spring to come to me, I prefer to travel south to greet it. (One may also read this as “those who paddle their own canoe do not have to wait for their ship to come in.”) This time I was lucky enough to join a
I love birds. I like to travel. And – I hate flying! Does that make sense? If you do not see packing as the part of travel itself, than the trip starts with landing. And customs. The sky over a new city. Although I visit Greece every year, this is
Dragan Simic is obsessively passionate about two things – birding and travelling in search of birds. This is what he is narrating about on his birding report on Lake Kerkini, where he went in search for Pelicans. “Our bird guide, Georgos Spiridakis, is driving slowly along this dirt track, checking